The car rental industry is in the midst of a profound change. Evolving regulatory environment, demanding customer needs, increased competition and dynamic cost equations are creating a perfect storm for fleet operators to challenge strategies that they have relied upon for generations.
This is where contactless car rentals take centre stage, enabling operators to significantly enhance fleet control and maximise profit.
While many of us welcome the convenience offered by cutting-edge technology, some are concerned about the security ramifications such as data privacy and security. With this in mind, our speakers, with extensive experience in the mobility sector, will discuss in-depth about contactless vehicle rental technology and sieve through the fiction and facts to debunk the misconceptions around it.

Coastr are hosting their ‘How Contactless Car Rental Technology Is Improving Security in the Mobility Sector’ on 10th November 2022 at 4:30 PM BST. The webinar is in collaboration with Smartcar who are the leading API platform for connected car data, offering keyless entry solution to mobility companies to provide a truly digital and fully contactless experience.
Using Smartcar’s API, rental companies can easily activate a digital key with our simple and secure car API. Once connected, vehicle rental businesses can track fleets, remotely lock or unlock the vehicle, view odometer readings, fuel tank levels, EV battery & charging status and much more.
To register for this free webinar, simply click on the link below.