The next taxi decarbonisation forum is run in partnership with Transport Scotland and will take place online via MS Teams on Thursday 9 March, from 10:00am to 11:30am.

The Energy Saving Trust have invited hackney and private hire operators, local authority representatives, licensing teams, and industry specialists to join us to discuss the taxi industry’s transition to low or zero emission vehicles.

We are pleased to host a range of interesting speakers who will present on themes related to taxi decarbonisation, including:

  • Personal experience and challenges around switching to electric taxis or private hire vehicles
  • The impact of low emission zones on the taxi and private hire industry
  • An update on the WiCET project: the UK’s first wireless charging electric taxi trial
  • A new 100% electric retrofit solution for TX4 black cabs from Clipper Automotive

We look forward to welcoming you at the forum! Please feel free to share the invite with your colleagues who may also be interested in coming along and let us know if you have any questions.

