Transport for London (TfL) have this morning released a consultation on proposals to improve safety for taxi and private hire passengers in London, which has been described as “very significant” by a trade association.

TfL say, “Taxis and private hire vehicles play a key role in keeping London moving, particularly for those who are disabled and vulnerable. We are proposing 19 changes to further improve safety and safeguarding for all passengers, especially children and vulnerable adults.”

The consultation includes TfL’s proposals for implementing the remaining Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) Statutory Taxi and PHV Standards and they want to hear your views on how their proposals would impact you and any alternative suggestions you have. 

The consultation is open until 12th May 2023 and TfL say they will use the feedback to help reach a decision about how taxi and private hire licensing requirements may change.





The Licensed Private Hire Car Association (LPHCA), who represent 300 Private Hire operators, has regular dialogue with TfL TPH via trade representative’s meetings and says it will be contacting all London Operators on its database regarding the consultation.

Chairman Steve Wright MBE says, “We will be arranging a video call with our members to discuss the consultation before the major Ramadan and Easter holiday period.”

Steve continued, “This is a very significant consultation, which anyone who holds a London licence should seriously consider responding to. The LPHCA will respond once dialogue has been undertaken and agreed by its members.”