The Bibendum, otherwise known as the Michelin Man, was one of the first mascots of his kind and has successfully stood the test of time. Other mascots that may spring to mind as brand ambassadors would be Tony the Tiger by Kellogs, The Jolly Green Giant for Green Giant produce and Compare the Market’s Russian Meerkat mascot Aleksandr Orlov.

As the brand ambassador rather than a fixed logo, the Michelin Man has had the capacity to evolve through the decades, enabling him to always stay relevant to the changes in our lifestyles and even successfully enter the digital world.

The Bibendum, more commonly known as the Michelin Man, is the iconic mascot of the Michelin Tyre company. It has a fascinating history that spans over a century, he is actually one of the world’s oldest trademarks.

The creation of the Bibendum is credited to Édouard Michelin, one of the founding brothers of Michelin. In 1894, the company’s co-founder, André Michelin, noticed a stack of tyres in the shape of a man while visiting a fair in Lyon, France. This sparked his imagination, and he decided that a similar figure could be used as a mascot for their tyres.


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The design of the Michelin Man was brought to life by the cartoonist Marius Rossillon, who used the pseudonym “O’Galop.” He was commissioned by the Michelin brothers to create an advertising poster featuring the character. The Michelin Man made his debut in 1898 at the Lyon Exhibition.

Sometimes the interpretation and execution in the early days of the Bibendum came off as a little bit dark and terrifying, see the image below. But then again, he hasn’t always been the kind and innocent mascot that we know today, learn more about that by clicking here.

The character’s name, Bibendum, is derived from the Latin phrase “Nunc est bibendum,” which means “now is the time to drink.” This phrase was coined by the Roman poet Horace and was later used as a slogan for the Michelin Man, suggesting that their tyres “drink” up obstacles and rough roads, providing a smooth ride.

Originally, the Michelin Man was depicted as a somewhat eerie, cigar-smoking figure with glassy eyes and fangs, but over the years, his appearance evolved to become friendlier and more approachable. The design changes softened his features, and he lost the cigar, transforming into the lovable, chubby character that we all know today.

Throughout the years, the Michelin Man became an international symbol of the Michelin brand and his popularity became worldwide. He appeared in various advertising campaigns, posters, and commercials, promoting Michelin tyres across the globe.

The Bibendum’s enduring appeal can be attributed to its simple yet captivating design, which has stood the test of time. Over the decades, he has evolved to reflect contemporary styles while maintaining the core essence of the original character.

Today, the Michelin Man remains an iconic figure in the advertising world and continues to represent Michelin as a symbol of quality, durability, and safety in the tyre industry.

The Power Of A Good Brand Mascot

A good character mascot can enter public awareness and become truly memorable or even more of an institution, this trust develops and the brand grows as a result. 


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This market penetration gives businesses tremendous influence over advertising, consistent branding, and even point-of-sale (POS) in-store. When a figure is extremely well-known, all it takes to tell the customer where they are and what they’re looking at is to put them on a poster or some packaging. A character appeals to our primal human instincts and is more impactful than even a great logo or vibrant colours and typography. We recognise it like we would a member of our own family.

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