The ITT Hub 2023 event took place at Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre on the 10th & 11th of May, where the Ground Transport Group held our second-ever sweetie competition to win a delicious, cash prize!
The Innovation & Technology in Transport event itself promised innovative exhibits, enlightening conferences, and unparalleled networking opportunities, and provided the perfect platform for industry professionals to connect, learn, and collaborate.
At ITT hub, they have committed to driving significant change in the industry, through a combination of networking, education, and innovative products, and their event executed this high standard.
For those not in attendance, various sectors got connected under one roof, whether you came from the world of Logistics, Energy, EVs, Sustainability, Government, Tech, Systems, Solutions, Vehicles, Mobility, and others, plenty of trades were represented.
The two days saw an incredible 1,000 meetings arranged between buyers and exhibitors, with countless VIP guest speakers, Seminars, Podcasts, and Videos. With chances to engage ‘live and direct’ and ask questions to experts.
The feedback I heard loud & clear from attendees, proved they felt informed, educated, and learnt a lot from being there, and it’s apparent that Innovation and Transport complement each other a great deal.
Looking around the huge conference centre, seeing the latest Hybrid, Electric and alternative Vehicles, security cameras, fleet management systems, charging solutions, and an array of other providers, it is evident – change is in the making.
The ITT Hub event was a roaring success with attendees, and exhibitors, achieving its ambition to bring together like-minded people – and strike up the kinds of conversations that need to be had!
It was a pleasure to represent my company, inside the EV Village, which held back-to-back interviews undertaken by the professional & creative EV Café Team; John Curtis, Sara Sloman, Paul Kirby, Sam Clarke, and Jonny Berry.

But once the event was brought to a close, with the ITT Hub’s thirst-quenching drinks reception, a question still remained on everyone’s sugar-coated lips, just how many sweeties were inside that magical jar!?
With a chance to win a £250 cash prize from Ground Transport Group for correctly guessing the exact number of sweets in our colossal 5L glass jar, this mouth-watering opportunity also involved keeping our chocolate supply generously topped up, to feed the eager participants.
The aim of the game was simple: Get the number of sweets in the jar ‘bang on’ and win £250. However, in the event of no guesses of the correct number, £100 would go to the nearest guess or the prize pot would be split in the event of a tie.
So, did anyone guess ‘bang on?’ Sadly, not this time! The number of sweets that eluded everyone was 493. However, we still had a decent £100 to give away!
Without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, and a drumroll, please….the third nearest try came via Jonny Berry from Novuna Vehicle Solutions who had a respectable guess of 31 away. In second place, was Harrison Thorne of Shell Recharge Solutions who was 14 out. However, the closest guess came from Juno Thompson of Shell Fleet Solutions guessing only 7 sweets away from the true amount, bagging the £100 cash prize!

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to take part in our fun & games! We hope you enjoyed our light-hearted, guessing game. Congratulations to the well-deserved winner Juno – your cash prize is on its way!
And finally, a big thank you to the amazing team at the ITT Hub for a brilliant, inspiring event, and making everyone feel so welcome! Until next time, the Ground Transport Group sweetie jar will see you on its next adventure…..