As part of National Road Safety Week the ‘Safe Roads for All’ theme emphasises the importance of everyone following changes to the Highway Code to protect people more at risk, such as those on foot and bicycle.

The changes to The Highway Code aim to help improve road safety for people walking, cycling and also horse riding and have been publicised by the Government during Spring and Summer 2022. The Code sets out a hierarchy of road users, with those who can cause the most harm having the greatest responsibility to protect others on the road.

Millions are taking part in Road Safety Week 2022 (14-20 November), as thousands of schools, communities, organisations, and emergency services launch local activities; raising awareness and spreading messages to improve road safety across the nation. Brake has provided information and teaching resources for people to get involved at

Road Safety Week is coordinated by Brake, the road safety charity, and in support of the Department for Transport’s THINK! Campaign. Brake also runs the National Road Victim Service, providing bereaved and seriously injured families with dedicated caseworkers, delivering emotional support, practical care and access to many other services road victims need. 


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Brake chief executive Mary Williams OBE said: “Road crashes devastate families who are bereaved and seriously injured. Road Safety Week is an opportunity for everyone – including drivers, and also employers, and community leaders – to come together and make roads safe for all, particularly the most vulnerable. Drivers can follow the Highway Code; slowing down and giving people space is vital for safety. Employers can implement safe driving policies for their employees. Community leaders can work with their local authorities for measures that protect people, such as cycle paths. Road casualties are an appalling carnage that can and must end, through us all taking the right steps.”

Roads Minister, Richard Holden MP, said: “Everyone should be confident using our roads and we’re committed to continually improving road safety. I’m delighted to support Brake’s fantastic work across Road Safety Week to promote the changes to the Highway Code and help all road users understand their responsibility to protect those more at risk.”

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