
Trinity Park, Ipswich

Thursday 11th April 2024


Trinity Park, Ipswich

Thursday 11th April 2024

EVEX2024 Exhibitor & Sponsor A-Z Useful Information

This is your comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about participating in EVEX2024. Throughout this page, Exhibitors and Sponsors will find valuable information and can navigate through key details, deadlines, and requirements, ensuring your participation in our event is a success!


1. Car Park for Exhibitors

2. Compulsory Requirements / Documentation for all Exhibitors & Sponsors

     a) Event Terms & Conditions
     b) Exhibition Requirements Form
     c) Pat Tests
     d) Public Liability Insurance
     e) Risk Assessment

3. Contacting the Team

4. Event Marketing

     a) Assets & Images
     b) Hashtag
     c) Invite 20 of your Customers as your Guest for Free!

5. Event Timings

6. Event Close & Breakdown Times

7. Exhibition Space (Internal & external)

8. Floor Plans

9. Food / Beverages (on event day)

10. Internet / Wi-Fi Options

11. Name Badges

12. On-Site Marshalls & Directions

13. Power Supply

14. Set-up Dates / Times & Arrival

15. Storage / Security (on-site)

16. Test Drive Circuits

17. Test Drive Participant Requirements

18. Vehicles (Display, Test Drive & Equipment)

19. Venue Details & Directions

1. Car Park for Exhibitors

Car parking is free of charge for Exhibitors & Sponsors.  We have priority car parks for disabled people, for more detail please read the information below, and cross-reference it with our EVEX2024 Floor Plan

External exhibitors – You can drive straight into the ‘Test Drive Hub’ (see Floor Plan for location) to drop items off. However, as this area will be a hive of activity after you’ve dropped off your items we kindly ask you to move your vehicles to one of the following car parks (details below).

Blue Car Park: (Disabled parking on hard ground – 35 Spaces)

– CAN be used to park cars all day on SET-UP DAY ONLY.

– CANNOT be used on EVENT DAY, as this is for disabled parking ONLY.

– Recommended for internal exhibitors to use as a drop-off area to unload items into the conference centre (all day on SET-UP DAY or from 07:00-08:30 ONLY on EVENT DAY).

Yellow Car Park: (Disabled parking on soft ground – 200 spaces)

– CAN be used to park cars all day on SET-UP DAY ONLY.

– CANNOT be used on EVENT DAY, as this is for disabled parking ONLY.

Red Car Park: (General parking – 500+ Spaces)

– CAN be used at all times on BOTH days.

– This is the ONLY car park you can use on EVENT DAY.

2. Compulsory Requirements / Documentation for all Exhibitors & Sponsors

To ensure a seamless and compliant participation experience, all exhibitors and sponsors must adhere to the following mandatory requirements and provide the necessary documentation, if not already done so:

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in being declined participation in the event.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and commitment to a successful event.

a) Event Terms & Conditions 

Each exhibitor and sponsor is required to sign the Event Terms & Conditions. If you have not already done so please ensure you do so by 3rd April 2024.

b) Exhibition Requirements Form 

If you have not yet done so, we require all exhibitors & sponsors to please complete the: EVEX2024 – Exhibitor Requirements Form by 3rd Apr 2024. This enables us to allocate you the correct space.  Please note, that this applies to internal, as well as external exhibitors.

c) Public Liability Insurance

You will be required to provide a copy of your public liability insurance certificate by 3rd Apr 2024. If you have not already done so please ensure you email this to: [email protected].

d) PAT Tests

The venue has its own ‘on-site electrician’ who may be spot-checking electrical equipment bought onto the site.  Ensuring you have a valid PAT Test Certificate for all electrical equipment will prevent the venue from declining its use during the event.

e) Risk Assessment 

The EVEX team are required to supply each exhibitor and sponsor with a Risk Assessment, which can be downloaded here: EVEX Risk Assessment

We require all exhibitors and sponsors to confirm they have downloaded and understood the Risk Assessment by 3rd April 2024. If you have not already done so please ensure you do so here: EVEX2024 – Risk Assessment Consent.

3. Contacting the Team

If you need to contact any member of the events team, please find their contact details below.  Please note, we will have restricted access to our emails from 10th April onwards.

Linda Grave – Host of EVEX2024

e: [email protected]  | M:  07881 600895

Leah Wright-Tiramakea – Event Team Lead 

e: [email protected] | M: 07796 955120

Alan Wright – Event Team, Operations Director 

e:  [email protected]  | M: 07395 333233

4. Event Marketing

a) Assets & Images

Please feel free to make use of our official EVEX2024 Promotional assets. These can be accessed by clicking here.

b) Hashtag

Promoting that you are attending the event on social media?  

Don’t forget to utilise the correct event hashtag, so you can maximise the exposure of your post.

#EVEX2024 – Please feel free to tag EV Driver in your posts (links to our social accounts below).

FacebookTwitter / XInstagramLinkedIn

c) Invite 20 of your Customers as your Guest for Free! 

Although this event is an opportunity to make new leads and meet many potential customers, you can also take advantage of inviting your existing customers or contacts, especially those who may be looking to transition to an EV or renewable technologies.

We have created a bespoke link providing 20 Free tickets for each Exhibitor / Sponsor to share with your chosen guests. If you have not yet received this, please email [email protected] and we will share this with you.

5. Event Timings

Please note – these timings may be subject to change. If they do change, we will always update the latest version onto this page.

Wed 10th April

12:00 – 18:00  Exhibitor set-up day 

Thur 11th April

07:00 – 08:30 Last-minute Exhibitor set-up window
08:30 Registration & Badge Collection (Exhibitors Only)
09:00 Doors Open to Event / Registration (Attendees) – Visit exhibitors & take test drives
12:00 – 14:00 Panel Sessions – Inside Conference Centre
14:00 Continue visiting exhibitors & take test drives
17:00 Event Closes – Thank you All Safe Drive Home
17:00 – 20:00 Exhibitor de-rig and breakdown

Fri 12th April

09:00 – 12:00 Last-minute exhibitor de-rig and breakdown window

6. Event Close & Breakdown Times

Thursday 11th April 2024 – The event ends at 17:00 when exhibitors will be able to start breaking down. As this is an event open to the general public & businesses please respect any latecomers by making yourselves available & not shutting down or leaving early. 

Thursday 11th – Exhibitors will have a three-hour window from 17:00 – 20:00 to de-rig and break down on event day.

Friday 12th – There is also a three-hour window from 09:00 – 12:00 to de-rig and break down the morning after the event day.

The EVEX2024 team strongly recommends de-rig and breakdown on the 11th where possible. Exhibitors do have the option to leave this until the 12th. However, there will be no overnight security guards, so items will be left at their own risk.

For more information on the security arrangements (including Trinity’s current standard security measures) see the ‘Storage / Security’ section below.

For more information on the running order check out the ‘Event timings’ section.

7. Exhibition Space (Internal & external)

All internal exhibitor spaces are 3m x 2m in size and are provided as empty spaces as standard. However, we have been provisioned FREE of charge

– 6ft x 2ft trestle table
2 chairs
Electricity supply


The above items need confirming in advance, so if you have not yet booked these items in advance please complete our Exhibitor Requirements Form.

External exhibition spaces are bespoke for each exhibitor and space is allocated by you completing the Exhibitor Requirements Form.

Please note, if you are exhibiting inside and outside, the Exhibitor Requirements Form is all-embracing.

8. Floor Plans

We will be providing a digital floor plan that offers a clear visualisation of the event layout. There’s no paper required, you can simply access the event layout across all devices via this simple link: EVEX2024 Floor Plan

9. Food / Beverages (on event day)

Food (from 08:00 onwards)

Food Vendors will be on-site outdoors adjacent to the conference centre and will be serving a great selection of hot food including Gourmet Burgers & Burritos, both offering a vegan option.  All food will be available on a pay-as-you-go basis. 

Beverages – Exhibitors & Sponsors will be provided with complimentary tea and coffee from 09:00-10:00. Outside of these hours, hot and cold drinks will be available on a pay-as-you-go basis.

10. Internet / Wi-Fi Options


Depending on what you require, we have a couple of options for your internet browsing needs.

Free Basic Wi-Fi: If you wish to simply surf the web, the venue has free basic Wi-Fi, which you can use on a complimentary basis.  

Premium Wi-Fi: If you wish to do demos that require something more substantial or reliable, please email [email protected] and we can discuss premium options.

11. Name Badges

For health and safety reasons, the venue requires us to provide all the individual details of exhibitors that will be attending the event, in advance. 

If you have not already provided us with this information, we require the following: First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Mobile Number and email address, of all exhibitor attendees by 3rd Apr 2024.

This can be done by emailing [email protected]

Please be advised, not receiving this information by the above date may result in your staff having to register manually on the day, which may be subject to long queues. As the name badges will be pre-printed in advance, failure to meet the cut-off will result in having to provide your staff with hand-written badges, which will not provide the professional look you wish to achieve.

12. On-Site Marshals & Directions 

Trinity Park Marshals will be on-site to make your entry & access to the Trinity Park site as smooth as possible. 

The EVEX Event Management Team will also be on hand to offer assistance and guide you to your exhibitor location etc.  

13. Power Supply


Exhibition Spaces do not come with a power supply as standard. However,  power supplies are available on request. If you’d like to book one, please complete the Exhibitor Requirements Form.

14. Set-up Dates / Times & Arrival 

10th April-2024 12:00 – 18:00 

We have arranged with the venue a specific set-up date to enable all exhibitors to access the venue in advance of the event day.  

Arrival/access to Trinity Park on the set-up date is from 12:00-18:00.  Please be advised if you arrive after 18:00 we may not be able to guarantee access. 

IMPORTANT: To ensure a smooth event experience, we kindly request ALL EXTERNAL EXHIBITORS set up their outdoor exhibition space on the designated setup day.  This allows ample time to address any potential challenges beforehand.

If you have any special requests outside of these times, please email [email protected] and we do our best to accommodate them.

11th April-2024 07:00 – 08:30 

Exhibitors are allotted a brief window from 07:00 to 08:30 on the event day for any last-minute set-up requirements.

IMPORTANT: We recommend full ‘on-the-day set-up’ for internal exhibitors only.

15. Storage / Security (on-site)

Storage – Storage on-site is limited, so please leave whatever you can in your vehicle. However, if you have non-valuable items (such as boxes, bags, cases, etc.) that you wish to store during the event, please alert one of the Events team and we will show you where the storage area is.

If you have any items of value, we recommend you make any necessary arrangements to safeguard these directly, as neither the organisers nor the venue will be responsible if anything gets damaged or goes missing. This includes any items that are left at the venue overnight.

Security – Please familiarise yourself with the following security arrangements:

CCTV Security Cameras – Cameras are installed outside & inside of the event centre in addition to several at the main gates, covering every car entering & leaving the premises.

Locking Up Schedule – The gates will be locked overnight after the final person leaves site, and they will be reopened in the morning when the first person arrives on site. 

Overnight Security Guards – In addition to the venue’s standard security measures, two guards will patrol the site overnight between setup day (Wednesday 10th) and the event day (Thursday 11th) to safeguard valuable assets. 

Please note that there won’t be a security presence overnight on the event day (Thursday 11th). Therefore, we advise exhibitors to dismantle and vacate the site on the event day if feasible. 

For exhibitors intending to leave stock/equipment on-site for collection on Friday, 12th (from 09:00-12:00), you’re welcome to do so. However, please note that this will be at your own risk. Should you require additional security we can arrange on your behalf & will re-charge accordingly.  Please contact the EVEX Events Team.

16. Test Drive Circuits

Two circuits have been created for test drives:  

Green Circuit (Main test drive track) – The majority of test drives will take place on the green circuit.  Depending on the weather conditions exhibitors have the option to allow Test Drive Participants to do the following: 

– Jump in – Let the test drive participant enter the vehicle at the ‘Test Drive Hub’ OR  

– Pick up – Drive the vehicle to the main entrance of the conference centre where you can collect the Test Drive Participant under the shelter (useful if it is raining)   

Purple Circuit (Smaller test drive track) – New for 2024 we have a smaller circuit available exclusively for alternative vehicles. This track is positioned directly alongside the ‘Test Drive Hub’.

You can access the circuit layout via this simple link: EVEX2024 Floor Plan

Please note: Speed limits will apply to the circuits, and will be clearly marked out via EVEX event signage.

17. Test Drive Participant Requirements

It is important to remind all exhibitors that offering test drives at the event, is done so at your discretion & risk, and is based upon rules you have specified for your company.  

Exhibitor ‘dealerships’ are fully responsible for: 

Insurance – Ensuring test drive vehicles are insured for any test drives taking place at the venue/event.

Driving Licence – The Test Drive Participant has a full driving licence & can provide any specific documentation required. 

Under the influence – The Test Drive Participant is not under the influence of any illegal substances.

Test Drive Accompaniment – While it is not the decision of the event host or the event management company as to whether attendees are accompanied, we trust dealerships that regularly provide test drives from their place of business will follow similar practices that meet the requirements of their insurance policy.  Whilst we appreciate that the test drives will not be on a public highway, attendees may be driving an electric vehicle for the first time, which may require some instruction/orientation and therefore exhibitors may wish to accompany any attendees booking test drives.

Test Drive Information for Ticket Holders – We have provided the following to all registered ticket holders:

Please ensure you have your Driving Licence with you on the day. We request that in advance of attending the event you download a driving licence Check Code.  To obtain this please go to: driving licence check code at GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  – you can then show this code to dealerships and manufacturers. PLEASE NOTE: You may need to do this again on the day so please keep this link. It is the dealers and manufacturers’ responsibility to check your licence. Please drive responsibly and remember there will be pedestrians as well as drivers.”

For more information on Test Drive requirements, please ensure you have read the ‘Risk Assessment’ (which can be found in ‘Compulsory Requirements / Documentation for all Exhibitors & Sponsors’ – number two, above).

18. Vehicles (Display, Test Drive & Equipment)

Weds 10th Apr – Set Up Day (12:00 – 18:00) 

Display, test drive vehicles & any equipment you plan to bring & utilise at the event e.g. canopy, gazebo or outdoor showroom needs to be in place on the Set-Up Day.  

If you cannot make this date/window available, please contact the EVEX event team ASAP & we will do our best to arrange an alternative solution but unfortunately, this cannot be guaranteed.

External Exhibitors will be directed to a holding area where you may join a queue prior to accessing the ‘Test Drive Hub’. This is to ensure each external exhibitor has the time and space to position their Showrooms, Vehicles, Gazebos, etc. in place. 

Exhibitors will be directed to their location on a first-come, first-served basis, there will be some heavy loads entering the grounds, which may temporarily slow the entry process, we thank you for your patience in advance. 

19. Venue Details & Directions

Venue: Trinity Park Conference & Events Centre

Address: Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, IP3 8UH

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© EV Driver | Reg in Eng No. 10241922 | VAT No: GB244506714