In an open letter to residents, Leader of the Council, Cllr Russ Bowden confirms Warwickshire Council will pause plans for an LTN (Low Traffic Neighbourhood) in Orford, to allow them to “reflect on the feedback received”.

After speaking with thousands of residents in our inner wards over recent years, we have consistently heard that people want a better, cleaner and safer environment where they live. The Central 6 Regeneration Masterplan will help to address this, and indeed is already reaping great rewards. We have seen the Bewsey and Dallam Community Hub open, have made large investments in Bewsey and Whitecross to help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, supported the opening of a new 3G pitch at Victoria Park, and we’re overseeing excellent progress with our Town Deal – all of which fall within the ‘Central 6’ umbrella.

We need to be very careful not to conflate or confuse the LTN proposals, which is one very small part of what is a genuinely transformative strategy for Warrington’s inner wards, with this wider plan. However, we must also recognise the outpouring of feedback about the LTN proposals, in particular our plans for Orford. We are grateful for the cogent, well-managed, respectful debate we have had with many of our residents about the proposals, including many who attended the peaceful demonstration on Monday. We do however need to state that correspondence making threats to individual officers and elected members is absolutely unacceptable, though fortunately this has been very much the minority of feedback we have received.

After carefully considering feedback we have received over the last couple of weeks, we have come to the conclusion that while we will proceed as planned with the Westy scheme, it is only right to pause our plans for Orford, to reflect on the feedback we have received.


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Considering Westy, we have a smaller scheme, across a smaller footprint, and we are confident we will be able to address some longstanding traffic issues in this neighbourhood. As we have always said, however, we will continue to listen to feedback and this LTN will be for a maximum trial period of 18 months, unless the data clearly shows that the scheme is working.

With regards to Orford, we will review plans for this scheme and are committed to re-consulting with our communities on the approach for this LTN. We will propose changed plans for consultation from July, with revised plans expected to be rolled out in autumn, subject to feedback. We remain committed to the objectives of LTNs and to reviewing the Orford scheme, and will work to identify alternative options that we believe will still bring positive outcomes and benefits for local residents and neighbourhoods, whilst taking on board feedback we have received so far.

We are fortunate that we now have a great deal of passionate and engaged residents in the local area who we know will collegiately engage with any new proposals that come forward for Orford, and we will ensure that, once we have further developed our approach and plans, we continue to listen to your views.