National Highways has endorsed the importance of Project EDWARD – Every Day Without A Road Death – as its official Prime partner.
As part of its commitment to reduce risk for drivers using the strategic road network of motorways and major A roads for work, the team from its Driving for Better Business programme will be at the Safety & Health Expo 2023 16-18 May at ExCel promoting safer speeds as a key to managing road risk.
Simon Turner, Campaign Manager for Driving for Better Business, will present in the OSH Operational Excellence Theatre, Safety & Health Expo on Tuesday 16 May, bringing important new insight into the management of driver safety, whether employees are driving vans, trucks, company cars or grey fleet. He will outline safety managers’ legal responsibilities and help them identify gaps in their driver safety management.
‘This year’s Project EDWARD theme is Safer Mobility: Everyone’s Responsibility,’ says Simon Turner. ‘It’s a message that should resonate with all safety and health professionals, fleet managers and those who employ or manage drivers and their vehicles. It requires an approach that deters dangerous behaviour and ensures compliance – with both education & enforcement. The Driving for Better Business Programme is proud to be providing driver awareness and fleet safety resources to help driver managers work towards that.’
He adds: ‘There is a clear business case for managing work-related road risk and improving driver safety within your organisation. Fewer road incidents mean fewer days lost to injury; fewer repairs to vehicles with vehicles out of action; fewer missed orders and overall reduced running costs. Now is the time to become better informed and start getting the benefits of better practice. We’re here to share resources, provide support and encouragement and help find any gaps in current operations.’

With its key priority of safety on the strategic road network, National Highways is a natural fit for the Project EDWARD week of action and road trip, which promotes good practice in road safety, along with the emergency services, road safety professionals, employers and fleet safety providers. It focuses on an evidence-led, ‘safe system’ approach – the long-term objective of which is a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.
Commenting on the partnership, Jeremy Phillips Head of Road User Safety at National Highways, said: ‘Casualty reduction is a shared responsibility across multiple stakeholders, including road users. Working in partnership with members of Project EDWARD throughout the week of action, we aim to raise awareness that safety on our roads is everyone’s responsibility, and to motivate road users to play their part. Along with our delivery partners, National Highways is there to support road users in keeping themselves safe and we will highlight the measures put in place to deliver that support.’