Tackling pollution in London is a public health priority. To combat poor air quality, innovative and bold measures are being taken to ensure the health and wellbeing of all road users. Historically, the taxi trade has had a limited choice of diesel vehicles to use.

This has led to the fleet becoming a significant contributor to poor air quality, particularly in central London, where they contribute 25% of all transport Nitrous Oxide (NOx) in central London.

The Mayor’s Taxi and Private Hire Action Plan, published in 2016, sets out how we intend to establish the world’s greenest taxi fleet.

Our plans aren’t just limited to taxi vehicles, take a look at how we are transforming London’s private hire fleet.


Detailed information on licensing requirements for taxi/minicab drivers and operators is in the Taxi and private hire pages.

Zero Emission Capable (ZEC) taxis

On 1 January 2018, we introduced licensing requirements to reduce emissions from the taxi fleet by phasing out diesel taxis and increasing the number of ZEC vehicles in London. The maximum 15 year age limit remains in place.

New licensing requirements from 1 January 2018

  • Since 1 January 2018, taxis presented for licensing for the first time have needed to be ZEC. This means having CO2 emissions of no more than 50g/km and a minimum 30 mile zero emission range
  • First-time taxi vehicle licences are no longer granted to diesel taxis. ZEC taxis with petrol engines need to meet the latest emissions standard (currently Euro 6)

How we are helping you to get a ZEC vehicle

We are helping to fund a government-led plug-in vehicle grant, which will give taxi drivers up to £7,500 off the price of a new ZEC taxi.

How to charge your ZEC vehicle at home

You can charge your ZEC vehicle at home overnight. Find out more about the government grants available to you to install charging infrastructure for your ZEC vehicle.

If you do not have off-street parking, your local authority may be able to install charge points near you. Information on charging points will be included in our weekly email to all licensees. An updated list of rapid charge points will also be available online. Additionally, follow @TfLTPH on Twitter for up-to-date information.

How to charge your ZEC vehicle when you’re working

You can charge your ZEC vehicle at public charging points. Read more about electric vehicles and rapid charging in London.

We’re working to deliver 300 new rapid charge points by the end of 2020. We will install 150 by the end of 2018, a significant number of which will be dedicated for taxi use only. To locate rapid charge points near you, visit the National Charge Point Registry website, or visit the Zap Map, on which you can filter for “taxi-only” charging points and you can see whether a particular charging point is currently available or occupied.

Taxi Vehicle Age Limits

From 1 November 2019 the maximum taxi operating age has been mandated so that no taxi will be licensed to operate over its relevant age limit. This will apply to all licensed taxis.


Ethos Asset Finance

Between 1 November 2020 and 1 November 2022 the age limit of Euro 3, 4 and 5 diesel taxis will be reduced by one year, each year. The age limit for Zero emission capable (ZEC taxis), Euro 6 vehicles and taxis new converted to run on Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) will remain at 15 years throughout this period.

Since 1 November 2019 taxi age limit exemptions have been removed. These include:

  • Alternative fuel conversion exemptions (such as LPG)
  • historic and classic/niche vehicles exemptions
  • hardship/personal circumstance exemptions

All exemptions granted to specific taxi vehicles or taxi drivers prior to 1 November 2019 have been retained.

TfL will retain the general discretion to grant exemptions in exceptional circumstances, where we consider it reasonable to do so. This includes personal circumstances. All applications for an exemption will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Please be aware that taxi vehicle ages will continue to be calculated from the date of the vehicle’s first registration with the DVLA under the Vehicle and Excise Registration Act 1994. For further information and guidance about age limits and exemptions, please view TPH Notice 05/19

The changes to taxi vehicle age limits and age limits follow a public consultation by Transport for London changes to taxi vehicle age limits and exemptions. These changes have been introduced in order to reduce harmful emissions from taxis and improve air quality in the Capital.

The taxi age limits consultation report and decision paper which summarises the consultation report and makes recommendations to the Commissioner, is available for download.

Taxi age limit/maximum operating age (years)

Date effectiveEuro 3, 4 and 5 diesel taxisEuro 6 diesel taxisNewly converted LPG taxisZEC taxis
From 1 November 202113151515
From 1 November 202212151515

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) conversions

Eligible Euro 5 diesel taxis* can be converted to Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG).


Ethos Asset Finance

As of 1 November 2019, all newly converted LPG taxis* can retain a 15 year maximum operating age limit (calculated from the DVLA registration date).

Vehicle owners that are interested in converting their taxis to LPG are encouraged to consider the availability of LPG fuelling in their area. Information on LPG fuelling facilities is provided here: www.drivelpg.co.uk/i-have-lpg/find-a-filling-station.

*Please note LPG conversions are currently only possible on LTI TX models. There is no conversion on the market suitable for a Mercedes Vito Taxi.

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